originally posted in:Art and Stuff
You read it right.
lets all take some time and try to imagine what we would like to see ourselves traveling the solar system in.
Use whatever medium you like! You can use the above image as inspiration or take it in entirely new directions.
When you're finished post below.
Good luck!
Something similar to this would fit me well.
Today turned out to be another day where I stayed up absurdly late to finish drawing something. First post on this new forum layout too, so let's see if I get this image embed right.
Rough and rushes because I had homework..
I'll go with something a little more retro.
something like this ship would be pretty cool and it looks big enough to fit a small crew.
From the best game ever created (so far)...
This is something I'd love to take for a spin. According to the very talented concept artist it's a Dagger Class Corvette. It looks fast and sexy and has a crew of up to 15 so It's not small but nothing huge either. Prob enough to take some buddies out for some fun and then relax on board. Here's his deviantart page [url=http://madeinjapan1988.deviantart.com/gallery/23753325]link[/url]
Edited by Swift Omnium: 5/2/2013 6:11:32 AMRemember this one? It's a flying work of art http://img.phombo.com/img1/photocombo/72/Ep1-007.jpg
Edited by The Cyan Hawk: 6/5/2013 12:02:28 AMHere you go. All 24 minutes of it :P I honestly didn't try so take it as it is. Sorry. Edit: Tried colouring it. I dunno. . .
I'm going with a personal favorite :)
I would love to see something similar. Address link below! http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/156/7/f/oblivion__concept_art__by_aliqaiser-d5s7h21.jpg Created by me.
Edited by Ghost593835: 6/7/2013 9:57:26 PMi want this http://jcircle.cghub.com/ jcircle made it.
a space ship i made this year
Something like this
Edited by FishBrotherFelix: 5/11/2013 7:15:48 PMthe best :3 This thing is the most advanced stealth frigate ever made by mankind. This is the real deal. Not only is it fast and heavily armored, but it doesn't look like some space poo. Deadly, agile, and as sexy as can be.
I can't seem to get a picture of it, but remember the space stations at the beginning of halo 2, the ones with that HUUUUGE MAC cannon? Yeah, if have that, and just flip it over and point it forwards at anything in my way
Problem is I have many great ideas, it's just I'm not as good at drawing and it would take a long and confusing journey to learn 3D art:(.
I hope you can make your ship look like its horribly damaged.
If no one has noticed but this is starting to turn out as if it were a Star Wars game
im not that great at drawing but i'll give it a go. :) .....now where's my paper?
Dear sir, if I showed you a sketch of what I wanted my space ship to look like and I later found out that Bungie implemented it into the game, I would... I don't even know. That would be amazing.
Edited by ODSTJacob: 6/4/2013 11:19:45 PMCan someone design a spacecraft that resembles [url=http://halo.bungie.net/images/News/Inline12/mailsack/08242012/zebras.jpg]this photo[/url]? I posted it in a Mailsack back in August 2012 ([url=http://halo.bungie.net/news/content.aspx?cid=32175]Look for the post by Sven Nietzsche[/url].) and was dubbed the 'Zebra Battlewagon' by DeeJ. He said there's no hope that it will be in the game, so I ask the members of Art & Stuff to help an artistically challenged user to see what this would have looked like. I imagine that the Zebras in the photo would be individual engines held together by cord. Something along the lines of a space worth pod racer.
Hahhahaha, I'm giving this a try and I just don't even know what I am doing XD
Here's mine. If the picture isn't working, here's a [url=http://tchuron.deviantart.com/art/Personal-Spaceship-368977311?q=gallery%3Atchuron&qo=0]link[/url]