originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
My body is messed up. It's literally impossible for me to go to sleep at the 'normal' time unless I've stayed up completely the night before. Usually I only get tired at around 4-5am... Which really screws up my day. When I do get tired, I sleep the usual 8-12 hours, it's just that it doesn't happen at the correct time.
Like right now. It's 4:40am on a Friday morning and I've been laying in bed in complete silence and blackness for 3 hours. Still couldn't get to sleep (finally just gave up and grabbed my ipad). So now I've got to stay up all day feeling like complete crap while trying to write an assignment for uni.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
Any tips for getting tired earlier? Does this happen to you?
Oh hey, I totally fixed this problem. Cool
Well what do you do during the day? I suggest going to the gym, swimming or running
I use to have the same problem. Couldn't sleep before 4am, no matter how hard I'd try. What I done to resolve it, is to get my mother (or my boyfriend, depending on where I was to at the time) to start attempting to wake me up 11am by continually making noise or just coming in the room and telling me to get up. Eventually I'd just give up trying to get back to sleep. It worked for getting up earlier but around night time, I'd still be wide awake although I'd be dropping tired throughout the whole day. To fix that, I started working out again on the weekdays. I'm still up till around 1am, but I can't stay awake no longer than 2am. I now also get a better night rest. Feel really energized in the mornings.
Fap before sleep times.
Used to happen to me, but I've been on sleeping pills every night for almost five months now and I fall asleep fine.
Have some beers.
Melatonin friend, I had the same problem and it helped me.
Edited by ABotelho: 5/2/2013 7:19:45 PMYou can workout a lot several hours before going to bed. Don't eat several hours before going to bed either. Then about half an hour before actually trying to fall asleep, jack off. I'm serious. Try and always go to bed at the same time, and try always waking up at the same time as well.
Edited by Oneironaut: 5/2/2013 7:14:05 PMI've been having a similar problem, I've been going to sleep around 6-8am, some times I don't even sleep at all and just take a little cat nap during the day. I wouldn't mind staying up if it weren't for the headaches I usually get.
Sleep cycles last for 3 days. If you stayed up all night the first day, slept the second, you'll stay up all night the third because you did so on the first. It's weird. You have to sleep normally for at least 2 days in a row to get a normal schedule again. Also, it helps to do some kind of physical activity during the day and avoid eating after 8 PM altogether and not drinking sugar or caffeinated drinks past 6-ish.
Masturbate. Trust me it will get you tired.
Edited by Capiton Render: 5/2/2013 6:52:04 PMreset your schedule, on a few days off, try staying up for 18-24 hours, and finally go to sleep when you want to, then repeat. Also try a 6-7 hr sleep schedule, and stick to it, once you have a routine down it will be easy. I go to sleep around the same time, and always wake at 5am on the dot.
Yes it happens to me as well. Tips? Do something that will get you tired faster.