Today I woke up feeling fresh at around 10:00am and start the day with a bowl of breakfast cereal; nearly finish off the gallon of milk. Now usually I take frequent walks to the park to keep my body in shape so that's the next order of business. Walking down the path, everything normal; some kids throwing Frisbees and just generally having a good time. Now here's where things get disturbing.
I get to this one tree and I hear this... strange racket and I'm like "What the ****?" So I get past the tree to see what the noise stems from and what do I see? Two people pretty much right out in the open having sex. I mean could there possibly be a bigger case of public indecency? Here these two lovebirds are rubbing their unclothed bodies together and not that far away you got children playing Frisbee with their pet dog! Honestly, WTF is wrong with birds? What kind of degenerates would do that?
It's quite common and just another example of how absurd our horrific prohibition laws are.