B.net [b]About Us[/b] failing to load body text:
When I use the drop-down menu on the top left and go to [b]About Us[/b] I only see the category names on the left. No additional data shows up.
[b]Reproduction Steps[/b] (Only the necessary steps):
1.) Open Google Chrome v. 25.0.1364.97 m
2.) Navigate to http://www.bungie.net/
3.) Select the drop-down menu in the upper left and select [b]About Us[/b]
4.) Observe
[b]Results[/b](What happened):
[b]Notes[/b](other info that may be pertinent):
OS: Windows 7
Browser: Google Chrome v. 25.0.1364.97 m
Are you running add-ons/plug-ins?: None
Dark/Light Theme: Light
If this is still happening, we'd very much appreciate a [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forum/Post?id=59886758&path=1]Bungie Bug Form Submission[/url] so we can troubleshoot for you! Thanks!