Is it worth $20?
Wow. A lot of positive feedback, I'll get it ASAP!
Story's great. Once you beat it give [url=]this[/url] a read. You'll likely only play it once since the gameplay's just alright but it's worth it. I can't understand how someone can say the game didn't say anything about the genre. That's the game's entire purpose; saying spec-ops didn't have a message is to deliberately ignore the that purpose. What then would constitute a deconstructive videogame narrative if not Spec Ops? That sentiment just tells me that the person precludes any possibility that a game even [I]could[/I] be an intelligent deconstruction of a genre or something similar, that the story isn't important enough to humor the thought. If there was ever a game with an intelligent, mature story, it's spec ops. Might not be the most amazing thing ever written, or even the most amazing game ever written, or the most original thing ever written, but it doesn't have to be: it gets its themes across well enough, and keeps you thinking long after you're done playing it. And that's all it's trying to do.