Just your average day as a bad ass I guess.
Edit: Found [url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/brazil/8864662/Brazil-police-crash-into-plane-to-thwart-smugglers-escape.html]this[/url]. Apparently this happened in Brazil.
really old
What they were listening to
Damn, Mexicans don't -blam!- around.
Drugs aren't even a big deal. You want to kill yourself slowly? That's your prerogative, not the government's.
Bad ass award of the day goes to them.
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 5/12/2013 2:18:49 AMSeems incredibly reckless and stupid. Hope they had a warrant. edit: seems people didn't get I was joking
Welcome to 07 OP!
That was definitely worth risking their lives, idiots.
Nothing I do in my life will ever be as bad ass as this.
[quote]As well as a bicycle.[/quote] I think one of the suspects is black.
10/10 video.
Holy crap. That's amazingly awesome. I love how they just get out of their car immediately and storm the plane.
That was cool.
Edited by o_____________o: 5/11/2013 10:12:10 PMThat's awesome. I'm glad they saved the bicycle.