Will Microsoft be one step ahead of its competition?
Will RARE ever be independent?
How Is Call of Duty Ghosts going to be [i]Next-Gen[/i]? Wil it be truly [i]Next-Gen[/i]?
Will be Bungie be present at this event and do the same awkward pose like what they did in the Ps4 reveal event?
Thoughts and Predictions? State your Reasons!
I think the event will have a few game announcements, but I think they will talk about other stuff more, software, features, technology. But whatever ill throw in my wild speculation. Well it won't be called Xbox 720. Ghosts is cross gen, but with a new engine will look much better than any COD on PC before but still won't looks as good as Battlefield 4. I think bungie will be at Microsofts E3 event, not this one. More Wild Guesses -We will see Project Gotham Racing 5 -a new Alan Wake game -Respawn's game which will be exclusive to Xbox -A zombie game is always a safe bet ;) -Insomniac is making a Xbox exclusive game :o -that crytek kinect spartan game Ryse (I feel like we will see more of these at E3 than at this event)