Well to be honest.
Your first kiss is simple and you don't really have to wait for Ms. or Mr. right.
Losing your virginity on the other hand is a whole different story.
I lost mine at 21, to the most amazing girl (who was a 21 year old virgin to btw)
And the best part about it, it was worth the wait :).
And i know what you guys are thinking. We both must be one of those social outcasts or two giant nerds.
But the opposite is true.
Everyone thinks so negative over the fact the some people are still virgins at a certain age and really pressure people into doing stuff early.
And you can see, people really care about at what age you lose it. Or else we wouldn't have created this tread in the first place now would we?
[quote]And i know what you guys are thinking. We both must be one of those social outcasts or two giant nerds.[/quote] Most of us didnt assume this. People who legitimately believe youre a loser because you want to wait for that special someone or marriage to have sex are idiots.
Still with her?
Yup :)
How romantic