1. Send boatloads of cash into research for adapting mining equipment and vehicles to operate in freezing weather.
2. When that is complete, find a way to more easily break through permafrost ground.
3. Strip mine Alaska. (and murder Sarah and her family with an army of bears)
4. Buy Siberia from the Russians for a few hundred dollars. (get them drunk enough, that's how we got Alaska, albeit for pennies)
5. Strip mine Siberia.
6. Use the mined materials to start building tons and tons of stuff. (more roads, taller buildings, bullet trains that go through holes in the centers of skyscrapers and connect the whole country, etc.)
7. Do the same thing to Antarctica and nuke everyone who tries to stop us.
This would create TONS of jobs for a rather long period of time.
legalize every drug and tax the hell out of it.