If you're into daydreaming about how you'll get around in Destiny and you're running in circles in your head, these works I've come across on deviantart.com might help your imagination along.
From flying low to flying high to flying solo to mechs, trains, and jetpacks, I tried to include pieces with styles, themes, and subjects that reminded me of Destiny or made me think, "I really want THAT in Destiny."
With Destiny's promise of sprawling landscapes and endless customization options, I can't help but think of what color and size my ship will be, or how many engines it will have, or even what naming scheme I'll use to keep track my machines. By the way, there's a discussion about naming ships going on in this thread: http://goo.gl/wkMrt.
As I mentioned in my last post, this collection barely scratches the surface of the body of brilliant art out there that could as easily be in the world of Destiny. If you find yourself dizzy from all of the movement, that post will provide you with some more stable scenes: http://goo.gl/atpzP.
And like last time, if you feel particularly inspired by any of these images, tell us how!
NOTE: These works are not Destiny concept art, nor were they created by Bungie employees.
I hope this turns up in the game, but in its own way.