This is pretty weak but hey, I have no idea what the hell happened. Yesterday I was texting this girl that gave me her number on my yearbook (that I've had a "thing" for for a while). This is the conversation that ensued.
(Our school had gone to an amusement park for graduation)
Saw you at the sidewinder, they made it a little worse for the next group though, we pretty much went upside down.
-Oh did yuh see [redacted] throw up on me?
Wait what?
When did he do that?
Well....besides was everything?
-Oh it was like the last ride and i had a blast till... He threw up on me.
I could see how that could be, what ride was it anyway?
-The sidewinder... Last ride we went on...
Ah, I was there the first time you went on. I was in line for the fireball when we had to go to the buses.
For the last time anyway.
Or "one" anyway.
Well either way that sucks that that happened to you.
So, scooting away from that subject what'r you doin' now?
No responses after that.
So, what happened exactly? And should I try texting her today or tomorrow?
Yeah sorry, but you insert way too many texts in-between hers. I would've tried something like this: Hiya 6:00pm -Hey 6:15pm Saw you at the sidewinder, they made it a little worse for the next group though, we pretty much went upside down. 6:17pm -Oh did you see [redacted] throw up on me? 6:18pm Wait what? You were able to get cleaned up properly right? (Wait a few hours for a response by this point, then text with something off-topic, you don't want to text bombard] 6:18pm [Redacted] 6:20pm [Redacted] 6:24pm -Oh it was like the last ride and i had a blast till... He threw up on me. 6:25pm I could see how that could mess up the rest of the day, at least you got everything out of the way before it happened. 6:26pm -[Redacted, you just weren't paying attention here] 6:27pm I was on it the first time with you i think, but next time just ask me to sit besides you. I'd be glad to shield you next time. (After this point say your good-byes and don't spam) 6:28pm That's how i would do it anyways.