WARNING: The OP of this is just a review with zero spoilers. Comments may contain spoilers, however. View at your own risk.
Honestly, this movie did almost everything right. All of the nostalgic callbacks were done perfectly and the story line was superb with nice little nods for classic Star Trek fans throughout. Cumberbatch is excellent and steals every scene he's in. He continues to remind me that I need to get to watching Sherlock.
What'd you guys thing of the movie? Appraisals? Qualms? Love it? Hate it? Rating out of 100? I personally think it deserves much higher than the 87 or 88 it's sitting at on RottenTomatoes and significantly higher than the 73 it has on Metacritic.
Sherlock is awesome. And I'm excited to see Star Trek. makes me hopeful Star Wars can make a comeback.