Will Microsoft be one step ahead of its competition?
Will RARE ever be independent?
How Is Call of Duty Ghosts going to be [i]Next-Gen[/i]? Wil it be truly [i]Next-Gen[/i]?
Will be Bungie be present at this event and do the same awkward pose like what they did in the Ps4 reveal event?
Thoughts and Predictions? State your Reasons!
The reveal tomorrow evening is going to be more crap spouting about the Kinect system and how this time it'll be in-built. You'll see some kind of sport or dance game using the Kinect technology. We'll actually see the new console and controllers, rather than just the controller. Ghosts will make an appearance, showing off the new engine on the next generation. Destiny will have a short appearance, and announce exclusive content to the Xbox Infinity as an incentive to get people into the next generation. Those are my guesses.