[url=http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/05/24/how-bungies-destiny-channels-halo-and-borderlands-ign-rewind-theater]IGN REWIND THEATER:[/url]
This live action trailer was directed by JON FAVREAU
[url=http://variety.com/2013/digital/games/first-look-the-live-action-trailer-for-bungies-destiny-exclusive-1200486874/]VARIETY EXCLUSIVE[/url]
GIFS FROM irishfreak:
[url=http://i.minus.com/ib0MhCVqhqacam.gif]EARTH OVERLOOK[/url]
[url=http://i.minus.com/ibrpa2jZENr5Np.gif]INITIAL FIGHT[/url]
[url=http://i.minus.com/i3eFLqD2wkR1m.gif]PIKE RIDING[/url]
[url=http://i.minus.com/ibjL23gxZZOAxS.gif]EXPLODING CABAL[/url]
[url=http://i.minus.com/in8AZgd81wnhC.gif]INITIAL CABAL BATTLE[/url]
[url=http://i.minus.com/iUfXGwr80MoSG.gif]FINAL CABAL[/url]
Breaking news from Twitter (Destiny The Game) [url]https://twitter.com/DestinyTheGame[/url]
-What did you most enjoy about the trailer?
[b]-Is it the (Story / Plot / Charaters / Settings / Action) or the glorious combination of all into one cohesive live action/CG piece.[/b]
[b][u]-How do you feel about PLAYSTATION getting the gameplay reveal at E3 on June 10th?[/u][/b]
-What do you think "LAW OF THE JUNGLE" refers too within the contexts of the Destiny universe?
[spoiler]INSIGHT FROM M1Silencer:
Some highlights
[quote]"The Law of the Jungle" is an expression that means "every man for himself," "anything goes," "might makes right," "survival of the strongest," "survival of the fittest," "kill or be killed," "dog eat dog" and "eat or be eaten," "kill only to eat, not from anger or sport".[/quote]
[quote]also known as jungle law or frontier justice[/quote]
[quote]In the novel The Jungle Book,[2] Rudyard Kipling uses the term to describe an actual set of legal codes used by wolves and other animals in the jungles of India. In Chapter Two of The Second Jungle Book,[3] Rudyard Kipling provides a poem, featuring the Law of the Jungle as known to the Wolves, and as taught to their cubs.[/quote]
The provenance of the term has already been pointed out by M1Silencer; but, just to clarify, the twitter photo doesn't just reference the book, the image is a photo of the 2nd chapter title page of some edition of The Second Jungle Book. The title and the words "immense variety" match up exactly.
Not sure which edition that photo is from, however;[url=http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/37364] the version I found from Project Gutenberg[/url] has a few images of illustrations by John Lockwood Kipling, Rudy's dad. None of those images seem to exactly match up with the ink at the bottom of the printing visible in the photo. The image of the illustration above would have been in the same location of whichever edition they're using in the twitter pic, however. It may be an actual edition, or the page may be from a prop they had made specifically for the spot. That is, if the twitter pic is indeed a still from that spot.
Here's the full text from the chapter:
[spoiler][quote]THE LAW OF THE JUNGLE
Just to give you an idea of the immense variety of the Jungle Law, I have translated into verse (Baloo always recited them in a sort of sing-song) a few of the laws that apply to the wolves. There are, of course, hundreds and hundreds more, but these will do for specimens of the simpler rulings.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle—as old and as true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back— For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.
Wash daily from nose-tip to tail-tip; drink deeply, but never too deep; And remember the night is for hunting, and forget not the day is for sleep.
The Jackal may follow the Tiger, but, Cub, when thy whiskers are grown, Remember the Wolf is a hunter—go forth and get food of thine own.
Keep peace with the Lords of the Jungle—the Tiger, the Panther, the Bear; And trouble not Hathi the Silent, and mock not the Boar in his lair.
When Pack meets with Pack in the Jungle, and neither will go from the trail, Lie down till the leaders have spoken—it may be fair words shall prevail.
When ye fight with a Wolf of the Pack, ye must fight him alone and afar, Lest others take part in the quarrel, and the Pack be diminished by war.
The Lair of the Wolf is his refuge, and where he has made him his home, Not even the Head Wolf may enter, not even the Council may come.
The Lair of the Wolf is his refuge, but where he has digged it too plain, The Council shall send him a message, and so he shall change it again.
If ye kill before midnight, be silent, and wake not the woods with your bay, Lest ye frighten the deer from the crops, and the brothers go empty away.
Ye may kill for yourselves, and your mates, and your cubs as they need, and ye can; But kill not for pleasure of killing, and seven times never kill Man.
If ye plunder his Kill from a weaker, devour not all in thy pride; Pack-Right is the right of the meanest; so leave him the head and the hide.
The Kill of the Pack is the meat of the Pack. Ye must eat where it lies; And no one may carry away of that meat to his lair, or he dies.
The Kill of the Wolf is the meat of the Wolf. He may do what he will, But, till he has given permission, the Pack may not eat of that Kill.
Cub-Right is the right of the Yearling. From all of his Pack he may claim Full-gorge when the killer has eaten; and none may refuse him the same.
Lair-Right is the right of the Mother. From all of her year she may claim One haunch of each kill for her litter, and none may deny her the same.
Cave-Right is the right of the Father—to hunt by himself for his own: He is freed of all calls to the Pack; he is judged by the Council alone.
Because of his age and his cunning, because of his gripe and his paw, In all that the Law leaveth open, the word of the Head Wolf is Law.
Now these are the Laws of the Jungle, and many and mighty are they; But the head and the hoof of the Law and the haunch and the hump is—Obey![/quote]
-Rudyard Kipling. The Second Jungle Book (Kindle Locations 330-346).[/spoiler][/quote]
I thought my body was ready. I was mistaken and now I need to buy some new pants.
GUSTAVO!!!! Time to cook in Destiny!!!
in general people need to understand how superior hunters are and will be
I've no idea what ammunition that thing is using but i want it.
Very good trailer, not quite at Deliver Hope's level but that would be hard to replicate regardless. The whole law of the jungle thing caught me off guard, a very interesting way to view the Destiny universe.
It looks like the Titan in the video is female.
anybody else notice the titans incredibly tight trousers? just me? :p
Edited by external: 5/23/2013 5:46:31 PMHate to piss on the parade, and I did like how the live action was incorporated even if it was really cliche (bedtime story, are you kidding me guys), but the most exotic locales they could come up with to sell the idea was big flat desert Mars and big flat dusty Moon? Apart from the enemy models, which have more to do with Bungie's artists than whoever produced the ad, this just felt generic. Sorry to those of you still hyped about this trailer, but it was definitely not among the best for a Bungie game. I really hope whoever's in charge of these to step it up in the future, or find someone else entirely to be in charge of creative for their ads. Just underwhelmed.
Check this out OP, the full passage: [quote]NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack. Wash daily from nose tip to tail tip; drink deeply, but never too deep; And remember the night is for hunting and forget not the day is for sleep. The jackal may follow the tiger, but, cub, when thy whiskers are grown, Remember the wolf is a hunter—go forth and get food of thy own. Keep peace with the lords of the jungle, the tiger, the panther, the bear; And trouble not Hathi the Silent, and mock not the boar in his lair. When pack meets with pack in the jungle, and neither will go from the trail, Lie down till the leaders have spoken; it may be fair words shall prevail. When ye fight with a wolf of the pack ye must fight him alone and afar, Lest others take part in the quarrel and the pack is diminished by war.[/quote]
Wowwee kaboodles Kat... that was super sweet. Can't wait to battle the huge hunter type beast.
When the Hunter destroyed those Cabal real fast, I started wondering if there might be some "Mark and Execute" or "Quick Target" aspect to the game. This ability could be general and all guardians have it, it could be specific to the hunter class, or it could just be specific to the gun itself. I didn't have time to read the rest of this thread as I'm heading into work, so I'm not sure if this is already being discussed, but does anybody any thoughts on this?
Lol well hell. I literally see destiny everyday. Above the door of my L.A. class. Theres a poster that says, " Destiny " (in bold lettering) with a moon like sphere beside it. I promise no lie!! It actually looks like the traveller. Frickin nuts
Thats just great. We chant that before every game! Gets the whole team pumped!!!
Really frustrated with negative comments about this video. It's like no matter what Bungie does, people always find something to complain about. [i]What about Microsoft!?! There's no wind on the moon!!! Y NO GAMEPLAE!?!? [/i] Please remember one simple thing people: [b]You have no rights. You did not create Destiny; it is a gift to you from Bungie. Play nice.[/b]
From all the trailers so far it would seem the Fallen and the Cabal have some sort of alliance going on. They are together a lot.
Is it just me or do you guys hope for some third person during combat? The world and character designs look so beautiful in motion.
Edited by risay_117: 5/23/2013 8:39:39 PMWill say the thing that struck me the most was the poem and its references to the game. The Lair being the area of no fighting, which the City under the Traveler is. The Council sounds like the government system or thing that runs your so called guild, and the meeting of packs feels like you may clash with other guilds while on a mission, and how decisions could be made, whether one would rather have all the glory and plunder or will be willing to negotiate for and give some of the loot in response to getting their help, and not have to deal with a conflict. It also makes a point that if you betray the guild can hunt you down for breaking their law. Now this makes me wonder if you can kill other players how is death managed in the game, do you lose your equipment etc, have to start from scratch or barely from scratch. Your revival will maybe act like a new game but same character.
Having Giancarlo Esposito was cool, but wouldn't it have been better if we just heard his voice only. The dude is well known. Breaking bad, Revolution, Once upon a time.
-I loved the whole "Law of the Jungle" theme going on, I feel like as if they're telling the overall mood of the game which is group-based survival. -Music was fantastic, well done Marty. Sound effects were soothing to my ears! -Animation was flawless -Guardians look beautiful
Well, they know what the most popular class is going to be. So hunter centric.
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.
What kind of weapon is the warlock using? It looks too short to be an assault rifle
Awesome! Also I'm making some gifs
The trailer was cool, but not jaw-dropping. Bungie said they wanted to create a world that would be interesting and that we would want to be in and I think based on what we already know and the trailer, it is. Can't wait for E3
I can already see what they're going for as far as inspiration and I can see what they're going to make a statement toward with Destiny. This is exciting.