Goddamnit. Why is my country being ruled by these bastards? Really thinking of voting yes to independence next year, sick of being ruled by Tories
I'm so confused. Why is England/UK/Britain/whatever-the--blam!--you-want-to-call-it politically more liberal than the United States, yet predominately conservative?
Be thankful you don't live in France. You know, where EVERYONE protested on the streets of Paris AGAINST Gay Marriage and want the head ousted.
You Scottish? Dont leave please! You guys are the only thing stopping us from being taken up the arse by the Conservatives every election.
This really isn't a surprise though, it's the tory government. Can't wait to get these bastards out, though I have a bigger distaste for Lib Dems though. "We're not going to raise tuition fees" "lol we tripled tuition fees"
Why are you butthurt? The bill passed.