i was googling something for my gt a few mins ago when it took me to a link to the old site. on the old site i saw a beautiful lay out and my blue bar. the site was so easy on the eyes and very user friendly. came to the site and logged in to see if there was an option to go back to switch back to the old site. i didnt have much hope but thought i would try any way. alas there was not. i had a message from a friend that linked me to a thread asking where i had gone to. people were correct in stating that i left this train wreck of a site.
thought id just drop a post saying hey...and that i still dont like the site. also with the site being like this i havent even looked at any new info about the game. the site dissapointed me with the update so ive left it behind.
Welp. There he hath gone, away and into places that both him and his associates hope are better than this. Will ever he return? As even those who have endured are disappointed, I do not think so. What little reasons even I have to stay here are dwindling into a hole that better men dug with joy. It is only a matter of how much longer the clock takes to tick to it's next event, else we all fade away. For one final and only time, I'll do it yorkie