I personally think Shepard > MC
But tell me what you think, and if you think MC > Shepard then tell me why you're wrong?
That depends. If we're talking their newest iterations (ME3 Shepard vs. Halo 4 Chief) Shepard was better. At making me feel like a complete and utter brick. Seriously, he's a fracking piece of sh1t character that doesn't develop at all. I get he's supposed to be a player avatar, but he doesn't develop whatsoever. "BUT GUIZE LOOK AT TEH SCENE WHERE SHEP SAIS HE IS JUST A SOLDIER AND WHAT ABOUT GODCHILD CATALYST" -Each scene with the "I'M JUST A SOLDIER BOO HOO" lasts all of five seconds and has no lasting impact -Scene with kid was the most forced piece of sh1t I have ever had the displeasure of watching, and didn't make sense "BUT ROACH GODCHILD IS SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT ALL THE PEOPLE SHEPARD COULDN'T SAVE AND MAC WALTER'S ARTISTICAL INTEGRITY-NESS" Is that why he teleports from building to building in the intro then?