This has really become a pain lately, as it can't be undone.
[url=]Reply Start Related Topic Hide Report Like[/url]
They all look similar, and each of those can be undone or cancelled except for the last one. Why?
In all honestly, that's a pretty important oversight. I understand that constant liking and unliking might put a strain on a sever, but a minute-long opportunity to undo the action would be stellar.
When one of your tags is the same as the forum section you are posting in, all the tags are removed and it defaults to the All Topics section.
You can dislike a topic you have previously liked, but you cannot "unlike" a post you have liked, by design. This is because liking a post is equivalent to replying to it and saying "+1" for the most part. Among other things, it can change the sort order of the reply, and liking and then unliking would essentially allow you to infinitely bump a particular post in a thread. That would be bad.