Came out yesterday on the 3DS. I never really played the Wii version since the tacked on waggle controls felt awkward to me, so I picked it up. I've only played through the first 2 areas (Jungle, and Beach), and am enjoying it quite a bit.
Anyone else pick it up or thinking about it?
It is a good game.
I want to go digital on my 3DS, so I picked it up from the eShop. Skipped it on Wii. Overall it is a fun game, but I still miss the alligator and croc enemies from the original DKC. K Krool is awesome. (I am only on the second region in DKCR 3D, though.)
I'll probably get it eventually since there's new content. Plus, i need more coins on my Club Nintendo account, I'm almost to platinum but am running out of time.
Played Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii. Took it back within three days. After playing Super Mario Bros Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, and other great modern platformers, Donkey Kong's completely straightforward and vanilla platforming just didn't interest me.
I was debating getting it or Animal Crossing 3D.