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originally posted in:The Black Garden
5/27/2013 11:04:20 PM


Okay, so this is the very first story I've ever written for fun. Constructive criticism would be much appreciated, however, please be gentle. I would also like to give a special thanks to Colonel Aloki. This story would never have been written without the suggestion of him. You would like to know how I became a Guardian, eh? One of the elite? I could tell you it was simply for a purpose bigger than myself but if you want to truly understand you'll want to hear my whole story. Stick around awhile and listen. You might just learn a thing or two. I was just a street rat growing up with an older brother to look after me. We stole food from vendors and such just to survive. Well, actually, it was me who stole the stuff, he was more of a brawler. A tough guy. If I got caught he could bludgeon them into unconsciousness. For me, it was an easy life and I assumed that Dirk, uhm my brother I don't know if I gave you his name yet, thought it was pretty easy, too. But I was wrong. You see, he had ambitions to become something great. And it wasn't long before we became infamous. After some time of stealing for ourselves, a year maybe, we started stealing for others and got money in return. Six months after we started stealing for others, we added a new skill to our ever-growing repertoire. Assassinations. That, that got us noticed by the law. Our identities were never found out but we got a name. Not something descriptive and not a title as most would think. It was simply "Those Two." If you needed something shady done, Those Two were your felons. We were hired by the Security Commissioner's number two to take out the Commiss. So, we planned this elaborate sneak-in, kill, sneak-out with the number two. When all was said and done, it was a perfect plan that nobody could see coming. No way in hell were we getting in on the day of the, well, I don't rightly know what it was for. Lets just call it a celebration. So, no way in hell were we sneaking in on the day of the celebration so we had get in a day earlier and we just hid someplace. A storage compartment, I think. The day finally came up and we started the plan. Everything went of without so much as a glitch. Well we finally made it into the Commissioner's chambers through an air-duct. Only, when I came out of the duct, I saw Dirk with his hand's in the air. Then I saw the damned robot. Had a rifle aimed right at Dirk's head. turns out the whole damned thing was just a trap to capture us, or if the need arose, kill us. Well, this robot had a thing against us. We had apparently killed one of his friends. Last thing I heard out of Dirk's mouth was "Run!" Well, I was back in the duct getting out of there when I heard it. The soulless bastard started shooting my brother. One shot would have killed him. But the robot sustained the firing for at least three seconds. Bastard... ...Well, I managed to navigate back out, following the plan Dirk had made. Somehow with the tears in my eyes blurring my vision. Once out I laid low. You see, there was a massive man-hunt for me. Growing up in the streets though, I knew all the places to hide. I did hide, for fifty-six hours I hid. They finally gave up, claiming there would be no more noise from me. There wasn't. Dirk was always the ambition behind everything. I was happy as a street rat. Well, I went to the taphouse and drank myself stupid. When I woke up, I was in the middle of nowhere with a Guardian's Pike, and presumably, his Sniper Rifle. Well, I was heading back into the city when I saw a sight that was serendipity. Two Guardians were facing an overwhelming number of Cabal. I aimed at one of the Guardians heads. Prepared to take his life in retribution. Nobody would know I killed these Guardian's when they were in the desert waves surrounded; facing their certain death. Well, I lined up the cross-hairs so his head was in the middle of 'em. I fired and he and I were both dumb-founded. I, because he didn't die. And he, because he saw a Cabal drop dead. Turns out the scope wasn't lined up. Well, I adjusted it, made sure it was lined up by shooting a few more Cabal and kept adjusting it until I got it perfect. It turned out I had a knack for distance warfare. I aimed at the other Guardian this time. when I saw him waving at me. In that moment, my insides turned into icy water. I couldn't shoot these two. They didn't cross me in anyway. So I helped them out. I kept shooting Cabal from my stolen Pike until they were all dead. I rode over to the Guardians. not entirely sure what I was going to do to them. 'Cause I sure as shit didn't want to talk to them. Well, when I rode up, they thanked me for helping them. They also told me that they were going to infiltrate some Cabal stronghold or something. I didn't really care. But, they invited me to go with them and, as a reward for saving their life, they would give me 50% of whatever they found. Naturally, I was suspicious of them. When a deal like that comes up, you expect to get shot in the back. I agreed under the condition that they stay in front of me at all times. One of 'em falls behind and he can expect to get a hole through his 'noggin. Heh. Well they were unsure but they agreed to my terms. And, together, we infiltrated the Cabal stronghold, looted it, and bugged out. I lost the Pike, though. One of the Cabal must have taken it so we walked back to the City. Well, we got back and they took off their armor. Turns out one was a spook. I trust spooks' less than people. I don't trust people much. But I refuse to work with robots. Well, we walked to the Tower where, to my disbelief, these two recommended me for Guardianship. Apparently, my sniping skills impressed them. Heh. So the rifle I had stolen was confiscated. Civvies ain't 'sposed to have weapons. Training was rigorous. Saw a few trainees drop-out. saw a few die. I passed all my tests except one. We had to accomplish capturing a flag in a three man squad. I was assigned a robot and a spook. Like I said, I don't work with robots. So, as soon as the trainers activated our stun rounds for the training, I opened up on that machine. Spook was was too shocked to do anything. That incident nearly got me kicked out. however, they gave me a second go. Put me with two other humans. I stayed at the back. We had one of the worst times. I think all the trainers were pissed at me. Heh. Well, we had became full-fledged Guardians. We passed. The last part was getting our gun. We all went into the armory. The other recruits found shiny guns and didn't really inspect the weapon. If it looked like it could pack a punch, they picked it. I was in there for almost five hours. Looking at all the weapons. No, that's not right. I was walking between tables. letting my fingertips glide on the edge of the glassy smooth tabletops, right in front of the guns. My hand stopped before I did. Right in front of it was a rustic looking, piece-of-shit, excuse for a sniper rifle. I fell in love. When I finally got out to the firing range, the other Guardians were still there. Looking at me impatiently. They couldn't start firing their weapons until all the new Guardians came out of the armory. Haha. We started firing. I should say, they started firing. The first time I pulled the trigger, the gun jammed. I took it to a work bench, took it apart, cleaned it, and put it back together. The things that were wrong with that gun were so many, it's a wonder they didn't throw it out. It's scope was cracked, trigger stuck, it's frame was warped slightly. Well, it was well into night when I finally got it fixed and in working order. Now, I wish I could tell you it was a Trojan horse. it wasn't. It packs a moderate amount of damage, it has average range, and it has a slow rate-of-fire. But it has heart. I named it Dirk, the moment I successfully fired it. That's my story. Sure, there are Guardians out there with far more impressive tales to spin. But my stories not about impressiveness. I don't want to be a folk hero or an action hero. some of us Guardians, very few, just want to survive. We're not looking to get rich or become famous. We simply want to live. I think all this time, I was drawn to the Traveler. see, without the Traveler nobody would be alive right now. To live, we have to protect it. And that's all I really want to do, just live. I hope you all enjoyed the story. comment what you thought about it and what I can work on. Thanks.

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