Edit: I forgot about the concept art showcasing a cockpit of one of the fighters. This more or less showcases what the space combat would look like up close. Thanks to Obadiah II for the link.
Edit 2: Nothing to do with the topic, but another thought just occurred to me about the cut scenes for Destiny. Bungie probably used Reach as a guinea pig to test out the cut scenes with our customizable armor as well!
I'm sure you all remember Halo Reach's space mission where you had to pilot your Sabre and defend the station from the incoming Covenant attack squads.
I always thought it was strange they spent so much effort on a space combat sequence if they were only going to use it for a 10 minute level. Since it's confirmed that we have our own spaceships, it's only natural to think that we'll get to indulge ourselves in some delicious space combat as well. I'm sure Bungie included the space mission in Reach to both test out their systems and get our reactions to how it played out. We were basically beta testing that aspect of Destiny before we even knew what it was. "[i]Clever bastards.[/i]"
What do you want to see for the space combat in Destiny (once they confirm it)? Small scale dog fights? Battles between giant cruisers? Personally, I would love to see two factions go at it in space with their personal ships. Giant 16 vs. 16 teams would be fantastic to see in-game.
What about you Seventh Column?
If its in (which seems likely), I suspect small dogfights. I can't imagine we will be able to own anything "frigate" sized or above. I put frigate in quotes, because people have very different versions of whats a frigate, and the best scale I can think would be the assault frigates from reach. I imagine we will be able to pilot "corvette" class ships and larger fighters. The best example of a corvette class (as I see it, the definition of classes of space ships isn't very clear cut) would be something like the millennium falcon from star wars. Small, maneuverable, multipurpose ships that can be piloted by a single person but can support a larger crew. Note that my scale of classes of ships comes from the game Homeworld. I could see there being missions where we participate in larger space battles though. Whether we use personal craft, or use something provided is a good question. I also imagine the presence of frigate class or above could happen, but would be NPC controlled. At least, that's how I picture it.