The American prison system is full of flaws that many debat time and time again. I postulate to you a solution to what could prove to be a revolutionary new direction for the current on going procedures and practices in use today.
Of the flaws found within the American incarceration program, I have narrowed it to three major concerns. Funds, Societal Reintegration, and Unlawful Activity while incarcerated.
The current spending on the American Prison System (APS from now on) is $32 billion. That brings the average life sentence running at about $1.5 million. We sit at about $22,000 per prisoner, which we all know could be lowered if we were to lower the number of prisoners sentenced to prison. The key comes in with this; 86% of those in prison for a first time sentence are going to return within 3 years of release. THAT is the first problem.
This goes in hand with the next one, Societal Reintegration. In this situation, it is not only a matter of having a prisoner return to society well adept for the current working field, but also so that they are able to contribute positively to as many fields as possible. Currently, they are only able to provide more for the working class fields, unless they had entered into another field previous of their sentencing. But what if we were able to educate a prisoner, and completely fulfill the term "Correctional Facility?"
This is the point of what I have to say. While in prison, if there was a system created to educate and inform those incarcerated with the knowledge that is deemed important for the average American, then perhaps we could see a lower amount of returning prisoners as they would be able to move up beyond basic criminal behavior and into academia encouraging careers.
And finally, our last concern. Illegal activity while incarcerated, while not really something one would have considered an on going issue, it is nonetheless a pivotal concern that can be easily solved if;
We take the current American Public School System, and have it implemented within the prison system.
Think about it, they pretty much are the same thing.