Hey Flood, come up with the most Oscar Bait movie possible. Something that panders so much to emotions that it's Oscar Worthy.
A Disabled Jewish black woman played by Sean Penn escapes the holocaust and begins a successful career in Hollywood, despite constant discrimination.
[spoiler]Special ending after the credits: She falls in love with an Asian Woman and they begin a secret interracial lesbian relationship. [/spoiler]
Those two extremely stupid movies The Kings Speech and Les Miserable(I know that's not what it's called but that's how I felt watching it) have oscar bait written all over them. And they're so forgettable. By the next year everyone had forgotten about the King's Speech because that's all it was.
Any future film starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
OP, You forgot to add to the Sean Penn thing. .....beings a highly successful career in Hollywood then proceeds to bash the very America that provides him millions of dollars.
The environment is gay and is rounded up and thrown into a concentration camp in Afghanistan run by American EOD specialists. Also, the environment is retarded and was a football star that was raepd by the Titanic.