I am very sorry but only an idiot would make that comparison, and state it in such a way as to be nonsensical. Child labor is a problem in many places of the world, the problem is generally made worse because so few in the first world have any real understanding of it. This leads to people ignoring the problem or when they do hear of it, taking action that ends up making things worse.
You call same sex marriage evil. Well let me ask you this, how has a single same sex couple being together ever brought harm to you?
Edited by Sierra-Noble: 6/3/2013 12:10:39 AMIt hasn't and the homosexuals that I know are very nice people that I can consider friends, but the bible that I read tells me to love a woman. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Honestly, if we all went by what the Bible tells us to do we could quickly reduce the population of the US just based on the offenses that are supposed to be punished with death. Remember you are subject to stoning just for working on Sunday (well the Sabbath) and that is just a single example. I have read the Bible multiple times, front to back. I have done the same with other religious texts (Tanakh and Quran along with texts on ancient religions). Reading any of that doesn't give me special permission to force my beliefs on anyone else, just as I would not accept anyone else forcing their beliefs on me. Given that this is a game I think it is even more ridiculous to worry about the made up pixels "living in sin".
And that is your opinion just like what I stated so far above all off these comments, is a matter of opinion