Well this was an ignorant post. Assuming you are gay why would you ask them to impose homosexuality on the majority of their fan base. Not a great sales idea. Second the same way you are adverse to (how do I say this without hurting people's feelings and keeping it clean) heterosexual marriages, that's how I feel about gay marriages. Why would you whine and cry out for equality and suggest excluding, and imposing your subjective thinking on others, in the same post?
Because the tables should be turned and straight people are privileged enough.
Because that's right way to fight for your cause right? Just force people to do what you want cause that seems right? I see where you stand mentally and I'm wasting my time here. If you knew how to argue I would take the time but I have things to do.
Typical hetrosexual. Your bigotry is showing.
And your big-idiotry is showing. Shut up and learn how to make a legit argument. How you feel about straight marriage is how I feel about gay marriage bro. Get over it