originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
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This is more of a mini rant then anything but I would love to hear any and all opinions. Even if you're just gonna call me an idiot.
Why are we in a situation where we have to fight for a voice to try and educate and sophisticate the people who bought their way into power? We need seek to promote positive social change in various ways and start integrating intelligence into all art forms. Being smart use to be lame but now it's cool to be dumb. . .
Being smart is not academic excellence but rather the desire to ask questions, learn and obtain information. You have to believe in yourself and strive to obtain knowledge.
I'm sitting at a crossroads though. You can't redefine truth but the revolution must be marketed. I mean how do you show an outcast from the shadows if they have adopted the view they belong there?
You are not what you wear, you are not what you own, and you are definitely not what you do for a living. You are how you act, how you think, and how you treat others. Take society back for the logical, the compassionate, the caring.
It's society that accepted these kinds of standards into the system. People are okay with it, and there's nothing you or anyone can do to change that as long as the majority is content. If everyone really had a problem with how things are, we wouldn't be discussing this.