It is hard to decide on what faction to go with given the very limited amount of info we have as I now. I think seven seraphs sounds like it would fit me well being Christian, and I think it would be awesome to have wings (possibly)?
But dead orbit seems like it would be awesome if that means you do a lot of space exploring and building the coolest ships and vehicles.
Let me know what you guys think, of course this is all speculation and I will be able to decide most likely after e3. Other faction discussion is welcome as well!
Edited by III URBAN III: 11/1/2015 3:21:55 AMAll these old Necrobumps really highlight the difference in attitudes, then and now. What we all wanted/thought the game to be.
Well.... Rip the seven seraphs
Osiris or go die bitch.
That vanilla gear tho.. Bump!
House Judgement
Oh the deception
Oh god who necroed
Dead orbit
New Monarchy. Dead orbit will be the group that all the casuals will join into and Seven Seraphs will be the hardcore bungie fan group.
Neither. God save the Queen!
Future War Cult!
Seven seraphs!
Osiris. Christianity had a basis in Egyptian religion anyways. Besides, Egyptian shit is cooler than an ice cube in Antartica at night in mid July (southern hemisphere means July is wintertime).
Seven seraphs all the way
Dead Orbit
I like the idea of going with seven seraphs , because I find the hierarchy of angels fascinating .
Edited by Winter8242: 7/5/2013 5:13:48 PMPlease vote on my post to REVEAL FACTION INFORMATION :)
SEVEN Seraphs. Think about it.
dead orbit
Dead orbit
Dead orbit is best orbit!
Seven Seraphs
Seven Seraphs