Any advice on where to start? And I mean tracking human beings, although learning more about tracking lesser animals could be useful too.
1. Find a large piece of woodland. 2. Get a friend to run off and hide 3. Find him But for more specifics, look at footprints and how the shades of the dirt differ to determine how fresh the tracks are. Rabbits are easy to look for, Just shoot with a camera not a gun -.- Find the undergrowth trails where they run, the obvious indicator is pellets. Chewed blades of grass and that sort of thing. Really it is kind of hard to explain how to look for things over the internet, you are best off reading up in wildlife textbooks and then learning by experience. Knowing the wildlife in the area you are tracking in will make it so much easier to find since you won't be looking for bear tracks in the UK and badger trails in the US.