T4R. Ask me anything you'd like to know about our wonderful faith, and I shall explain. I've been sent to this forum by our high command in order to dispel rumors that have been circulating.
Started a new topic: I Was In The Covenant - Ask Me Anything.(43 Replies))
Started a new topic: I'm in a gang - Ask Me Anything(38 Replies))
Read scientologist as 'idiot'.
Why would someone base a faith on a clearly fictional book, one that even the author would be like, dafuq you doing?
Tom Cruise is amazing. What is your favourite Tom Cruise film and why? My favourite Tom Cruise film is Top Gun where those men are struggling with their sexualities and vent their frustration through playing sports, also there are jet planes.
How are you today?
Have you found the Marker yet?
How long have you known you have been crazy?
Edited by JudgeSapientis: 6/13/2013 4:01:41 PM"The Church of Scientology holds that at the higher levels of initiation (OT levels), mystical teachings are imparted that may be harmful to unprepared readers. These teachings are kept secret from members who have not reached these levels. The Church states that the secrecy is warranted to keep its materials' use in context, and to protect its members from being exposed to materials they are not yet prepared for." For one thing, What's the information you try to withhold from the public eye (Kind of a bad idea as far as PR is concerned don't you think?) Also, Is this a point leveling system or do I need to pay to unlock the extra content available to OT members? Kind of like EA then? Pay to play?
If the bible says that I should have a part of my penis cut of, then why did God give that to me in the first place?
Just like the pornstar
How much money do you have to give the Church of Scientology before you become pope?
Y'all used to be aliens but y'all reincarnated to humans? Or something idk lol
How did you become so brave
Wow what happened in here? I actually went to New York awhile ago and walked outside of The Church of Scientology and wondered if i actually should go inside, but i remembered that it was the Church of Scientology so i reckoned against it.
Don't know anything about it, so not gonna judge.
Leedle leedle lee!
If anyone else says lol I will sue Bungie.
If I'm going to join the Church of Scientology, how long do I have to hold those dildo things?