... will you still be picking one up, either at launch or at all?
I'm well aware that E3 is just around the corner and we'll be able to base our views on some solid games to come, but for now let's talk about the consoles and the consoles only.
As far as I remember, the first games console we had in our household was a Playstation. For years as a kid I would play Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Gran Turismo, and I'd thoroughly enjoy them. Then we got a PS2, and the trend continued. However, shortly after Halo 2 was announced and I saw a trailer for it on TV, I really wanted an Xbox. So, we got one. And from then on, I've stuck with Xbox consoles. Part of it is down to exclusives, part down to the controller, and part down to what my friends bought.
But now, with all of this negative information about the Xbox One, I'm struggling to decide between the two consoles.
I know I'll likely end up getting an Xbox One anyway, because of titles like Halo, Gears and Forza, but in all honesty, that's about it. The other games I play are all available on the PS3, and the titles I'm interested in next-gen are all going to be multi-platform. So it really comes down to two things:
1. How much do I really want Halo and Forza 5?
2. How easily would I adapt to the PS4 and its controller?
The first point is somewhat null and void if you consider it's just two game titles, so I'm just going to side step that - but not before noting that I'd be a bit miffed to see my LIVE "legacy" of a stupid GamerScore of 73,000+ go down the drain. Onto the second point.
I adore the Xbox 360 controller, and the Xbox One controller looks hella flush. The new DualShock, on the other hand? I'm really not sure about it. I'm considering buying a used, bottom-of-the-line PS3 and getting a few titles to see if I like it, because if I can overcome the controllerphobia, I think it'll be a no-brainer.
So what about you, fellow Bnetters? Are you dead-set on your next-gen console choice (if any), or are you going to see if E3 can change your mind?