WE will be able to make our own ship? customize it how we want? like speed over armor or armor over speed or even fire power? If so will each of the guardians have there own ships unique to them that we can customize, or will it be very one starts default and works from there?
In my own thought I think it will be totally AMAZING as hell if we can fly our own ships around space, attack other ships ( if we do then we will be noticed as a threat to other near by ships )
board them somehow and take what they have? You know just really get the feel of the syfy effect of the game. Along with that the NPCs will have there own ships? will they come in different sizes from large mother ships that we can control and can only be operated with friends,(such as a couple players take control of the guns the others just work on the ship somehow, im unsure if it would go into the game but, it would be great to see it.) or one seaters? would be also be able to go into our ship and move around in it, instead of just jumping into the ship and flying off?
I just think this will add to the syfy effect of the game. With the fantasy part too.
anyway this is just my thought and hope so see if any of this is possible cause it would suck to get into a spaceship to go to the moon by loading into the moon instead of flying in our own badass ships..
They've said you won't be randomly killed by a 12 year old griefer, so the randomly attacking other peoples' ships is a no.