Now what if we stopped trying to figure out what destiny is all about, and trust bungie the make a good game, so there will be surprises in the game when you play it. just a hypothetical situation... no need to panic
Its fun to speculate and Bungie has said time ad time again that they enjoy seeing what ideas we come up with and seeing how close they are to reality. And without this pre-release hyper, Bungie wouldn't have much of a community anymore
DON'T PANIC just grab a towel and hold on
Because armorlock was one hell of a surprise.... Now let me disect!
Okay, lets say hypothetically, you're surrounded by six sandeaters. They're shields are near indestructible. You're allies are down. What do you do? ;)
People have fun speculating, I suppose. Some people might kill themselves if they can't vent what they think might be in the game, or talk about "what if" scenarios. Hypothetical situation, as you call it. I'm fine either way, so long as there is a constant stream of news.
I'm ready. I just can't wait to play the wonderful game they are makinf