I really hope Destiny brings it back.
And while i may not be a fan of MMOs i'll try this one, because my favorite thread the flood is looking dead.
What they need is #anustart
They'll just respawn get their mind back on objectives and go out into battle once again.
Nothing can kill the beast that is Bungie.
Bungie dying? Everyone knows bungie are immortal! Lol
1. It's not an MMO. 2. How is it dying? Reach did amazingly well sales-wise and that was the most recent thing they did. 3. What do you base this opinion on? 4. Do you mean just BNet? Who cares if your "favorite thread" in the Flood is dead?
Bungie is just getting started. #TYBG
1. No Bungie is not dying, they broke off from MS and can now make any content they want instead of being forced into making halo after halo game (COD suck cycle?) it's actually a growth for the developer...so...u...wrong 2. Reach was awesome. As a Halo fanboy I read the fall of reach book. Getting to play the game was awesome. And it had one of the best endings IMO, of the many FPS I have played. 3. Think or do research before you post. I understand that 12yo's just try to flame forums now a days. But seriously? At least make an argument instead of just giving your opinion regarding a developer you apparently support cause you downloaded this app.
Things that have apparently changed since last week: 1. Bungie is dying 2. Destiny is an MMO. 3. The Flood is a thread. What?
They have a lot to prove after they showed their incompetence with Reach.
Bungie: It's not an MMO. Fans: So it's an MMO?
Yup. That's why Bungie has been constantly hiring like crazy, advertising like that dickens, and some other simile to describe all the hype. I was really hoping for something more entertaining from this topic. I almost had to make a serious response!
Wait 24 hours
Their not dying. They have just been hiding from us, storing their virtual nuts for the winter hoping that spring will bring around good times
While Bungie was making Halo(they never did bad with the series..ever. it was amazing in its own way and will continue to be) they were in the caterpillar stage. After breaking from M$ they went to cocoon stage. With Destiny they will become the most beautiful butterfly.
Too bad these topics aren't.
Edited by Prototape: 6/10/2013 2:02:19 AMThe website is a bit slow, yes. It doesn't indicate that Bungie is dying. It just indicates that Bungie is transitioning from one franchise to another, and that things still have yet to really pick up since 'the darkness' in terms of forum population.
Hiw the hell is Bungie dying?
bungie is kill
Bunjie started from the top with Halo CE and they are still there
What some people, like the individual who created the post I am responding to, can not seem to understand, possibly due to a lower intelligence quota, is that Bungie, the great company who has provided is with stellar games such as the Halo series and the Marathon series, has been in the works on Destiny from the end of Halo 3. In ODST there are Easter eggs in a certain building of which the location I can not recall that show Earth with the traveler hovering above it. So before you make a rash statement like this person has, try to at least ponder the idea for more than a couple of milliseconds.
Bungie has a steady heart beat, that is increasing slowly. You may be right because they might suffer heart attacks
Bungie was never dying... if they were they wouldn't have been able to strike out on their own... and Destiny is not an MMO it is a SWS (Shared World Shooter) with the social aspect of MMO's
Yes, I think bungie will grow and thrive with destiny, and call of duty will finally have a fair match.