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6/10/2013 12:20:06 AM

how do you want to start the game off

i personally think the game should start in a military/ guard base where you create your character and then you walk a bit forward look around that kind of thing, then you see three sets of armor on a shel in front of you and you walk up to them and it will tell you what each one does show a brief clip on each of them. then after learning about each one you make your choice, then after a clip showing you suiting up (kinda how its done in iron man) the captain of the guard walks up and says something along the line of "good your all suited up, i all ways new you'd chose the (insert class here) armor", "now lets go we got (insert weak enemies name here) at the south wall. then on your hud it shows follow captain derp to the south wall. you arrive there to find more enemies then you expected and during the combat your traveler powers kick in for the first time and you wreck house. after talking to captain derp again he'll tell you to head to the armory to get some better guns. after that more free roaming then skyrim

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  • Before going in you customize your character. Cutscene. You drop into a battle.

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  • Frankly if we start with such a generic MMO-type opening i would be disappointed. I hate that type of quest even if its for a new player, not to mention it feels like I've played more than one game that started like that: "You look like you are good with a sword, so help us defend the gate. Oh, and this is how you walk. And this is how you hold a sword. And you stab people with the pointy end. Getting stabbed hurts. Bad. And by the way don't forget how to breathe." Those types of games tend to treat you like you are stupid. I kind of hope for a campaign-type introduction [u]after[/u] character creation that gives backstory and perhaps shows how your character (based on class and race, perhaps) got selected to be a guardian, gives a skipable tutorial ("training/academy") section, perhaps has a knighting ceremony type of thing (yay I'm a guardian now), and then you have a few mandatory and hopefully non-generic plot driven missions to get you up to level 5 or something, and then the game opens up from there. Or perhaps the introduction lets you play out the scenario that got you selected and this section acts as the tutorial. Or something completely different. Main things I want are a skipable tutorial (so i don't [i]have[/i] to play the darn annoying thing again if i create a second character), backstory, to see how I became a guardian, and I don't want it to be boring, feel like i've played this game before, or make me feel like I'm being treated like an idiot.

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    3 Replies
    • Or spawning in a training simulation facility where you learn controls and the training is interrupted by ?????? And you and survivors of the initial explosion fight off the trespassers and you after you are let out into the city to roam and you keep an assault rifle and pistol you had found during battle with ?????

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    • in the middle of firefight while everyone screaming "RPGs!!!!" and I kill every enemies

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    • I want it to start out very slow, with a complete backround on why the Traveler is there and what exactly happened to Earth and all the other planets.

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      3 Replies
      • A prisoner on a horse and cart with other prisoners, being taken somewhere to be executed. Then, we arrive and they call our names. We wait. First guy gets executed, with an axe. Then it's my turn. As the dude is about to chop my head off, a DRAGON- oh wait... Nah but seriously: I think it should depend on the class, so that we start somewhere that has a connection with the class. Idk.

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      • How about your a baby and the appearance you make looks similar like your dad but your mom dies, and on your tenth birthday you are gifted with a pip-boy.......

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      • Every good story starts with "so I woke up in this dumpster..."

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      • Flying in a generic fighter on Earth when it gets shot down near the Wall. After regaining consciousness, you get a communication from the city from some operator-type checking your vitals and well being, then the tutorial area starts and you move your way back to the city, taking out small bands of... something...

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      • I hope different beginnings per chosen class , we will all end up together with the traveler though . What is cool is that we are able to have multiple characters !!! If you don't believe me watch the ViDoc , oh and note the change on the cell phone from date Feb, to Jan 6th at 11:56 pm .

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      • meh. that seems too generic.

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      • In a mother flipping prison like every Elder Scroll game!

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      • Like any good thing, it should start with a bar fight.

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      • As a prisoner

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        1 Reply
        • I think that when you get to the wall you could have a quick short tutorial.

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        • Training on the moon hopefuly different planets have different gravity

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        • i think it should start out showing us before the traveler showed up and after

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        • Cant do the whole picking a class right there thong. Simply because titans have been protecting the wall forever. And Warlocks have been studying the traveler forever. So you would've have to been the class you are previously. Plus for all the comments on being a prisoner it doesnt make sense for any class but the hunter.

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        • With a BOOM

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        • I'd want something where you have not been trained in any specific class (warlock, titan, hunter) but you have some basic fighting skills (VERY basic). You have been traveling from a settlement camp far outside of the main city. You were staying with a group or survivors like yourself but the encampment was overrun by enemies. You were split off from the group and you are travelling alone (this is where the tutorial would take place, to get used to the controls etc). From here you keep traveling towards the city because you have heard about it as this safe haven from everything. Fighting very easy enemies along the way (and a whole lotta other stuff) you eventually reach the city, where an assault is being pressed against the front gates by a group of enemies you defend gate with Guardians of the city and eventually push back the assault. You meet the Mayor who recognised your amateur skills during the attack and decides to get you trained to defend the city properly. This is where you choose your class. He then directs you to a "Master" in the class you have chosen. He then teaches you the basics about your class. eventually you get known in the city (start doing quests, taking up jobs etc.) Then things pick up from there..... I may gotten a LITTLE carried away :D

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        • I would like it to depend on race and class. If you were a Warlock you come down from a tower under the Traveler and after years of studying and preparing you are ready to go out into the wild. Pretty much the same thing for every other class and race.

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          2 Replies
          • Like all good RPGs, you should start as a prisoner. As the prologue/tutorial ends, you get recruited into the Guardians.

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          • I would say that you can probably just go wherever you want. I plan to just explore as much of Earth as I can, then head to the moon, then Mars or something.

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          • interesting but i say it starts we just finish character customizing and it cuts to a clip were we are going through a ritual type deal that would be the prologue level. after said level we get a visit from Captain Derp and he ask us to join the Guardian Corp. Sorry for the capitalizing i'm a US Army soldier it's habit to do it

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