Yes, I’m aware of how epically Sony thrashed Microsoft for DRM/always -online. Yes, I am aware of how humiliating it was that Sony spanked Microsoft for used games.
You know what? None of those matter to me.
~I don’t buy a lot of games, but when I do, I buy them new or I digitally-download them. Ergo, the used game/DRM issue doesn’t affect me.
~When I bought my Xbox 360 in 2010, I basically fused it to my ethernet cable and fused the other end to the router. I rarely lost power or internet access, and the only reason I don’t have my Xbox hooked up right now is because it doesn’t have wifi and my router is in the kitchen. Otherwise, I would be connected 24/7 because I can’t live without the Internet.
So the only difference to me is the exclusives, the services, and the prices (although once you get up comparing $400 and $500, the difference doesn't strike me as so big). And you know what? I like Microsoft’s exclusives (Titanfall, Project Spark) better, and I like the direction they’re taking with Xbox LIVE more than I like the direction Sony is taking PSN and PS+ (I don’t have anything against them, I just like Microsoft’s changes more). So there. *blows a raspberry rudely and immaturely at all the equally-immaturely cheering Sony fanboys*
For me I like both consoles. I will most likely be getting the Xbox One First then the PS4.