with the recent privacy leaks concerns that the USA is spying on non-Americans that are not tied to terror or illegal activities along with every person from the EU has their private information including Medical information sent to an American government agency when traveling to the USA.
America has gotten to the point it's not just trying to protect it's self but its literally walking over all of its allies and doing what ever it wants.
Not sharing national security damaging data with the UK about a terror threat on the UK so their man isn't discovered yet is more than happy to say "It was the Brits guy" in one of our operations.
They bomb the hell of of Pakistan and spy on Europe. If Americans are wondering why we are getting sick of your country those are just a couple of reasons.
"We need our guns for when our Government becomes a tyranny" *Find out the Government has been spying on you for many year, allowsfor the signing of the patriot act damn near every year. Then proceed to do nothing* Nobody in America has the balls to stand up to the government, so why do you think they're doing it, because they can get away with it.