originally posted in:Destiny
what i mean is which platform do you believe destiny will strive on? And which might it fail on?
Who knows and I think it will survive on all of them cause it is so cool
I say it'll be most lively on ps3 n 360 - although im planning on getting it for ps4 - because of the installed fan base. Pretty sure it'll be a system mover so I see it growing on ps4 n X1 as well
Ps4 Period
What do you mean by strive? Sales wise it'll probably do worst on One and best maybe on the 360/PS3 because of the install base.
If the game is as good as it is hoped to be - It will thrive on all systems If it is another Reach - It will die on all systems No other answer can be assessed for it will be played on both primary systems equally. There will be no 'winner' in the console 'war'.
Xbox One, cause 300,000 servers. You literally cannot make a legitimate counterargument against that.