- Requires online subscriptions ($50-60 per year) just to play online multiplayer
- Ads will still be placed on the dashboard and menu screens
- $400-$500 console price tag at launch with no good launch games
- Sony is lying about the DRM (no developer is going to collect on one platform but take losses on another).
- Microsoft is exiling every single player gamer
- Where are the damn exclusives? A few new IPs that will be PDZ 2.0 or the famous PS3 launch titles that never made it to store shelves.
- Sony let Microsoft, yeah fricken Microsoft, beat them in [b]EXCLUSIVES[/b]. WTF?
PC gamers won E3. Everything good is cross-platform.
Someone get me as many of those 90's era Tonka dump trucks as possible. I cannot hold all these opinions.
Sony has won exclusives yet again. Sony is a company based out of Japan which has its own show equivalent to E3 called TGS (Tokyo Games Show). Sony has saved titles to announce at TGS to win over those markets as well.
Excpet you know destiny...
Agreed, PC took it. The EA conference was the proof for it.
[quote]PC gamers won E3. Everything good is cross-platform.[/quote] No MGSV on PC = lolno.
I agree.
To be fair, Sony was always great about Exclusives and have great IPs over all Playstation Consoles. They have yet to let me down in the games aspect. They would've taken that anyways.
Please enlighten me, how exectly are you a gamer? You're definitely a lesser gamer.
[quote]PC gamers won E3.[/quote] Correction...
There is so much fail in the OP I'm having to draw lots to figure out where to start picking it apart...
As far as exclusives go.