- Requires online subscriptions ($50-60 per year) just to play online multiplayer
- Ads will still be placed on the dashboard and menu screens
- $400-$500 console price tag at launch with no good launch games
- Sony is lying about the DRM (no developer is going to collect on one platform but take losses on another).
- Microsoft is exiling every single player gamer
- Where are the damn exclusives? A few new IPs that will be PDZ 2.0 or the famous PS3 launch titles that never made it to store shelves.
- Sony let Microsoft, yeah fricken Microsoft, beat them in [b]EXCLUSIVES[/b]. WTF?
PC gamers won E3. Everything good is cross-platform.
[quote]PC gamers won E3. Everything good is cross-platform.[/quote] No MGSV on PC = lolno.