...politics. Yup, that's right. Politics.
I'd like to posit that differences in opinions between the PS4 and the Xbox One leads back to fundamental political and ideological differences. What is the debate about the console manufacturer controlling used game sales but a difference in opinions on big and small "government"?
There's people who buy used games and people who don't. Within that second one, there's people who care about those who buy used games and those who don't give a shit because it's not them. Welfare, anyone? That's not to suggest the buying used games and being on welfare are the same thing, just that the ideologies towards them are analogous.
Who's more worried about the Kinect spying on them? Liberals or Conservatives? Republicans or Democrats?
Who's the new company trying a bunch of new things? Sony. Who's the company who thinks they can do what they want and still get "elected" by the customers, but are now realizing it's not working and adopting some of the new things? Microsoft.
Who cares more about "small businesses" (indies)? Sony. Who doesn't give a shit because they just want the big, corporate, AAA games? Microsoft.
Thoughts? Opinions? Criticisms? Insults?
You sound confused. Pretty sure Sony is sticking with the status quo and Microsoft is going down the road less travelled.
It comes down to sex
Haha I thought the same thing but vice versa.
I guess I'm neutral then...
Based article hits things on the head
I've posted this in several places now. But it's relevant. I don't think it's politics - just business. Sony saw an opportunity and took it. Unfortunately for their fans, it turns out they may have been lying, or at least not telling the whole story. I wonder what kind of effect this will have on people's opinions about Sony? Time will tell.
[quote]...politics. Yup, that's right. Politics.[/quote] I'm a Democrat, but I am rabidly opposed to DRM. I believe in systems that improve and support gamer freedom and cultivate an atmosphere of trust and support between developers, publishers, and gamers. I don't think the XbOne's systems do that. They don't bring anything to the table that supports and encourages my freedom as a consumers. Sure the Cloud has some interesting implications down the line. But the online check and severe DRM isn't worth my time. So for me, it's about fostering the climate I want to play games in. I don't think Microsoft represents that climate. Thus, PS4.
I'm a Liberal (far left leaning), yet I support what Microsoft is doing with taking the reins of the evolution of the industry. I just destroyed your whole theory.
[quote]Who's the new company trying a bunch of new things? Sony.[/quote] HAHAHAHA
I'm not entirely sure why Sony is considered more indie friendly... is it because they just featured more independent developers at their conference or what?
It boils down to whether or not you live in the half of the EU that can't have an Xbox One on launch.
Shut the -blam!- up. It boils down to your own damn opinion. And if anyone is trying new things, it's Microsoft. Sony isn't changing very much at all.
My ears are burning. You might be disappointed to know that I'm pretty damn far from conservative, though.
I think you're Crazzy.
[quote]There's people who buy used games and people who don't. Within that second one, there's people who care about those who buy used games and those who don't give a shit because it's not them. Welfare, anyone? [/quote]Hahahaha I never thought of it that way before. It's dead on my political beliefs. I want to help people, and I care about used games even though I don't partake in them. That's hilarious. Mind you, price is still huge for me. But right now, I still want the more expensive one.
Hey, Microsoft is trying a bunch of new things, just to blow a hole in your point. -TV interface -Digital Game Sharing -Moving towards digital consoles -Constantly updated via Cloud etc. Just sayin'
I's say it's more like surrogate wiener waving akin to Samsung and Apple fans.