All I know is that Charlie is leaving because the forums have rotten... So I would like if someone could enlighten me...
P.S: If possible include a link to the new rules, thanks!
Edited by Stevie: 6/15/2013 3:31:45 AMPolitic debates and people bashing each other non stop. Religion is allowed, so now a lot of people bash on anything having to do with it just to troll. People making non stop alts getting banned then coming back or if they noticed to many people muted them for there bad/stupid post they just come back an then bam you see it yet again. And we also have gimmicky type of accounts rolling around here as well. It's pretty upsetting we don't even having good trolls either. Don't get me wrong there still are good guys around here but just not so many and it seems like more and more people leave each day because it's just getting worse. And calling it The Flood... This really isn't The Flood anymore it's just a OffTopic forum that is falling into shambles.