Look at the Guardian's tiger. It seems like it's ears are more similar to that of a [url=http://www.dvl.co.za/news/may2009/caracal.jpg]Caracal[/url] than that of a [url=http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4025/4220407336_fcc719f837_o.jpg]tiger[/url]. Is this some adaption tigers have developed hundreds of years in the future?
EDIT: Also, notice the fur pattern on the neck. They seem like spots you'd see on a Snow Leopard, rather than tiger stripes.
I doubt there are really any animals left on Earth. Any animals we might see are probably clones or genetically engineered. Which leads me to believe the reason that tiger doesn't fit any known description is because it's not just a tiger, it's more likely a genetically engineered hybrid of tiger/snow leopard. Probably very expensive too.