Used game sales take away from the devs enough, now you want 10 people to all share the same copy of a game digitally. thats a potential 9 copies of the game that have not been sold and the money not gone to developers.
If you really want to share a game, give them the disc, plain and simple. Theres nothing forward thinking about letting 10 people play on the same copy of a game.
Losing this stupid sharing feature is worth the removal of 24 hour constant monitoring crap.
Theres nothing good about having your console ping microsoft every 24 hours or bricking, my bet is this ping also sends usage data that microsoft collects and sells to advertisers.
Think of it this way, if microsoft kept their always online policy, they would take a big hit in sales, not as many people would buy an xbox 1 and the online community would dwindle.
The only advantage that the xbox live has (in my opinion) is that there are boatloads more people using XBL then there are PSN. This means devs would prefer to program for xbox then they would ps3 and thus better optimised games and third party services and a larger community for xbox live.
Oh and now with the region locks removed, the other 75% of the world can also play on and xbox1. Did microsoft seriously think they can launch a product to only a few countries and block it from over half the world?