Hey guys im regrouping all the hunters in the last city to the new and improved hunter thread, but without all the hate and feelings of superiority.
We guardians need to realize we are all one in different forms, all fighting for the same cause. The traveler did not discriminate on who was the best, stylish or even worth saving. Lets hold onto our humanity and unite against all that is against us. A titan by himself is stupid, a warlock by himself is just as foolish, but a hunter by himself is the least wise out of the three. We will focus on our strengths and you "warlocks" and "titans" will focus on yours.
As a Hunter it is our honorable goal as the keepers and watchmen of our friends on the battle field. With the gifts of stealth and keen sight we are sure to prove as valuable assets to the guardian trio that is part of our Destiny. It is in our nature to over see the field and help from a distance, to watch as the enemy crumples into the dust from a high powered sniper round.
[b]You have my sniper rifle, Guardians. What say you?[/b]
that THREAD [b]WAS[/b] [i][b]A[/b][/i] [b][i][u]JOKE[/u][/i][/b]