*Looks at previous comments from people hating on this game, sees yet another anti-xbox thread / string of replies* *Decides it best not to jump with the pitchfork wielding chipmonks* Although it's not at the top of my list, perhaps I'll wait for final game play before I cast judgement. :)
Edited by BrenMan 94: 6/22/2013 11:17:17 AMThe QTE system was just for the demo. A placeholder, if you will.
So many people not understanding the concept of QTE finishing moves, it's as if they'd prefer it just to be a cutscene, it's not even funny any more... Personally I'd say Crytek has never let me down, it's a historical era that hasn't been very well explored in video games and the actual combat looks interesting.
Edited by darthrevan96: 6/22/2013 10:58:03 AMQuick Time Event The Game. It's like they wanted an answer to GoW but just made the meh stuff bad and made the whole game like that.
Edited by Mr Underhill: 6/22/2013 11:14:51 AMI think that it could be good, The Era it is set in has potential.
Looks slightly too cartoony to be historically interesting. The gameplay looked pretty boring.
not a game I'd get
Quick time events. Quick time events everywhere.
QTE: The Game! Who knows, maybe it has a compelling story.
It looks like a system launch game.
Worth renting.
*after watching the gameplay and finding out that the QTE was just there for the demo version. Also, Coliseum co-op mode*
Looks alright but the QTE's turned me off it completely
It certainly doesn't look like shit, but the gameplay doesn't look very exciting. I think people will be too distracted by the graphics to care.
Graphics look great and I like the a lot and I want to get it. But if the game is going to have that many QTE's then count me out. It will be very boring, the game will play itself.
Edited by Oliver Queen: 6/21/2013 11:13:27 PMlooks neat if it wasnt a giant QTE and if they kept it as a kinect game.
It's like the Assassin's Creed franchise brought to its final incarnation.
Edited by iGraviton: 6/21/2013 10:43:28 PMLooks like [i]Quick-time Events: The Game.[/i]
Looks like it will be boring and repetitive.
Nice graphics, but the game seems soulless and very much like a tech demo run amuck.
It looks cool but the gameplay looks boring with the QTE's.
It looks horrible.
It by no means 'looks like shit.' It does look repetitive and shallow, however. I won't be buying it but it certainly isn't 'shit.'
It reminded me of the Normandy intro in COD 2 but with spartans. Cool looking, but appeared to be no more than a run of the mill, lead you down the path adventure. Having more NPC's on screen than the last generation just isn't that exciting, neither are quick time events. It's still early though, might be fantastic.
Not interested, personally. For people who are excited for it; +1 to you guys. It just didn't intrigue me (though I am an admitted hater of QTE's. No game with QTE's has ever been enjoyable to me. I like having choice).