Like all First Person Shooters, having a strong HUD can make or break 'immersion' in the game. Some titles barely show a HUD at all, allowing the eyes to not get distracted by things other than the environment or what is happening in front of you. Others fill the HUD with numbers and pictures and in many cases this has been made fun of countless times.
What I'm suggesting Bungie do with their new title, Destiny, is allow the player to turn on/off what he would like to see on his/her HUD.
For example, I see two ammo counters on the screen for the same gun and I keep asking myself, why have this? I can understand that on the left, the ammo temporarily shows so you know what munitions you have, but to have it out permanently somewhat defeats the purpose of it being on the gun.
I'm also not a big fan of the other player's levels being on screen. The same way an MMO wouldn't normally display this unless I selected them, I would hope would apply to Destiny. (even though it isn't an MMO, duh). Perhaps having their level appear in a box next to their name would be better suited if the cross-hair was over the player. That way I only receive a level if I'm directly looking at them. This could even apply to enemies as well.
I'm a big fan of immersive games. I grew up with titles like STALKER. I just feel that with all the hard work of making the Destiny world feel alive and vibrant with the great settings and sound work, I wouldn't want it to just feel like any other game. I don't want to say this because it's very vague "I want it to be like Borderlands, but a more serious and immersive experience." there...I said it.
Thoughts from anyone?
Give me opacity sliders and I'll be satisfied.
Definitely allow us to make changes. I'd much prefer to play Destiny without a HUD.
definitely should be able to disable damage text and experience text. after watching the pvp videos and seeing all that test pop up on the screen, it definitely broke my emersion. i want to be able to appriciate this world, not fling numbers at things. also would be nice to switch the radar location with the scoreboard location.
keep level, health and armor visible on the HUD
during the Building E3 Reveal video they talked about how certain gear changed aspects of the HUD, maybe certain gear gives certain aspects on the screen.
I've seen some great suggestions so let me compile them together. +Having the HUD be able to phase out when not in combat +Change the HUD's color including crosshair +Guns with no visible ammo count can still have a meter +++Being able to drag and drop where we want the HUD parts to be on the screen +The ability to perma turn off specific HUD elements +?
Edited by steampunksniper: 7/5/2013 2:46:21 AMi don't think the HUD display we saw is the final one, but its close to the end product, i agree with you on certain points but in the end, its arguably always the best option to just people options instead of forcing certain things on people, but either way i will like the game
I definitely think that less can be more, but in terms of the ammo counter, we already know that not every gun is going to have an ammo counter ([i]Thunderlord[/i]). It's also going to be nice to have spare ammo shown. Ammo counters are pretty much a staple of FPSes, sans a hardcore mode. As for all the names and levels showing up over players heads, there have been options for how this is displayed in previous Bungie games, such as [i]always on[/i] or [i]show on hover[/i], so I hope they will keep these options moving forward. I'm personally a fan of a simple icon that hovers over their heads to show friendly locations. [url=]@Kantox[/url] mentioned being able to quickly select which Travelerjuice power is ready and highlight it somehow, but I believe that only two powers can be active at any one time, a minor one mapped to LB, and a stronger one mapped to LB+RB. Personally I think that they should map crouch to RS click, melee to B, and have a third power or grenades mapped to RB (seeing as RS click currently does nothing). The radar and weapon info position is something I can get used to, but I've always preferred them both either low or high, not split. Having a weapon covering the right side of the screen makes sense that everything is stacked left, but I'm hoping to be able to finally make my character left-handed for once because I am, and then I'd hope I'd be able to switch the HUD sides.
I want a mini-map, not a radar, or atleast a map in the menu screen. Also I think it is a little too bland.
I hope they have the ammo counters on the side... now that's immersive... just put it on the side and let us turn it off but make it visible.
I really hope they let the user decide what we want turned on or off for the HUD. For extra marks, it would be nice if we could just drag things around on the corners /sides of the display to set it up how we want. And we NEED to be able to set the colour of the weapon Reticule too. In Halo 4, that pale blue colour for the Reticule is a major PITA on some maps - especially any weapons that has an ornate thin reticule - like the Light Rifle. Don't forget some of us gamers are getting old, so the eyes don't work as well as they used too.
I say, keep it basically the way it is, but remove the health meter that the enemies have while adding a health/shield meter for you. That's the one thing that really stuck out for me, the fact that they didn't show your health/shield. Granted, this is a pre-alpha build, so things are bound to change.
Your argument against the permanent ammo counter is based on a single gun. How do you know [i]all[/i] guns will have easily visible ammo counters on them? It's better to have one set counter and give the artists more freedom in weapon designs in my opinion.
Customizable HUD's and custom button-mapping should be commonplace in FPS games. The fact that they're not irks me.
I want to be able to change the places of the HUD elements. I'm used to ammo being at the top right, and radar at the bottom left. It would be a cool option to at least have several settings for it. I don't think it would interfere with gameplay too much or give anyone an unfair advantage so why not?
Edited by Lemnisc8: 6/22/2013 12:48:44 PMOptions to turn on/off hud sections and player names/levels would be good. Also if the hud was simply an overlay split into sections, the ability to move each portion of the hud would be nice. Everyone could get what they want.
"Long live 'The Hud'!"
People must really hate having options lol
The thing that bothers me the most (mostly because I'm completely OCD) - is that the entire HUD is on the left of the screen. I'd prefer the weapon/ammo on the top left and mini-map on the top right; so I voted for customization
i think we would need a SPACE MAGIC selector ... it could to make faster the gameplay.
What can I say, more customization is always better. It'd be really neat if we could fine tune our HUD like that to get the best possible experience.
I trust David Candland to know what is right for me, I don't care either way :)
That would be cool is if we can move things around the HUD if we want. Removing the ammo count is necessary. Not all guns in destiny has a number on it
I believe that all next-gen FPS games should and MUST have the ability to customize the HUD and button mapping. And maybe, the ability to switch between 1st and 3rd person view!! This is next-gen stuff. Aren't we in it already? Then let's make it happen!
Agreed to all, pretty straight-forward and simple.
Edited by Rockefeller 711: 6/22/2013 5:42:09 AMI was just thinking but it might be cool to have information like temperature readings, atmospheric conditions, player vitals, a clock, gravitational readings, maybe a video feed of a person when you are talking to them, etc. Things that that aren't necessary but i thought it might be interesting to know as you travel the solar system and visit other planets that have varying conditions since Destiny is an adventure game I thought that might be interesting. I don't know how you would put those things into an FPS but just a thought.