I like to keep an open mind. Yes the voice of the narrator is annoying at first but you get over it.
There's a lot of interesting information in this video, it's basically about ancient human history, it covers Atlantis, ancient Egyptians, a whole bunch of ancient human races, martians, Mars, other dimensions and beings of other dimensions, extra terrestrial life, polar shifts, Mayans, ancient Jewish history, the Jewish star (forget it's name), ancient monuments, spiritual energy and it's actual impact, spiritual connection between Humans and other species, ancient monuments and their actual purposes, and a lot more.
It's all theory, it didn't say who's theory it was because it's just one part of the DVD and I don't feel like hunting down the guy. But it's really interesting and there's a lot of evidence for what they present, and when you really come to think of it a lot of it could make sense.
It's a long video but I'm already watching it for a 3rd time to gather in all the information.
Edit: I opened the video info and it says this is based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizidek in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.
What crap.