Today I wrote my English 12 exam. My last exam of high school. It consisted of 3 texts which had 10 MC and 1 written response each. There was then a multi paragraph response in which I had to compare the 3 texts, then I had an essay, which I was given a topic for.
Normally, these essay topics are bland, vague, but easy to respond to.
This year's topic was "Science has the potential to prove that religion is false"
I saw it there, staring at me in bold on the top of the page.
Are you -blam!-ing serious?
The only good part about it was that we did not have to [i]agree[/i] with the statement. And I opposed it just so.
What are your thoughts on this? I know religion and atheism are taboo topics often subject to flame here, so I thought I'd post this little fire starter for you.
Science doesn't have to disprove that which has never been proven.