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6/24/2013 6:16:12 PM

Your opinion on firearms

Like them, own one or more myself




Guns should be illegal


So I've always noticed it seems that the Flood is a bit more left leaning. I myself am a conservative/libertarian. So what's your opinion on firearms? Please try to keep flaming and stuff to a minimum. Also do any of you know what a true assault rifle is?

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  • Edited by SuperIrish: 6/24/2013 6:47:00 PM
    Guns should only be in the hands of the military and/or civilians who are capable of handling guns without killing others and themselves (intentional or accidental). How you would define someone as "capable to operate a firearm" I will have to leave to someone more knowledgeable on the subject. EDIT: Oh, and no heavy weapons for civilians. There is no reason to have a M249 SAW or a rocketlauncher for hunting or a weapon-hoarding hobby. I'm leaning more on the ban weapons side of things. It just seems silly to me that you can defend unrestricted access to weapons by stating an amendment that was created in a time where weapons were very limited in their capabilities. I doubt the founding fathers would anticipate something as...efficient.

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