I just... the game looks god but... what did I just watch?
I think Blood Dragon filled my quota for Batshit crazy games for a while. I'll pass.
From what I hear, as a game it is very very plain, but it channels Deadpool's humor. Problem is that if I'm going to spend $60, $50, or even $40, I expect either very smooth gameplay or high replay value, which this game has none of. If this game was $20 I'd probably run to the store and get it, but as it is, too expensive.
Looks like a rent to me.
6/10 on ign
That is Deadpool alright.
I agree , WTF. But Wolverine's voice sounded like the Chief...
that was great
It looks like it's trying too hard, like a Marvel version of Duke Nukem: Forever.
Being a Deadpool fan I want the game but the gameplay just looks horrific.
Hahah deadpool... omg you guys dont understand he is pretty much the MiddleFinger to Superheroes. That trailer was perfect for him. Unless you actually know him dont judge
Apparently half the people in here have never experienced what Deadpool is like.
I am sooooo buying this game...
Haha, this game is gonna be awful
I want this game, now.
Truly thought provoking on a philosophical level.
What on earth did I just watch?
My sides...
sickets launch trailer
That was definitely original, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing though.
Game has always looked meh to me. I'm not a Deadppol fan so eh.